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Joyce Yang - August 6, 2022

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Product Details

August 6, 2022

Salida High School

26 Jones Ave, Salida, CO

Box office opens at 6:30 pm. Pre-concert talks begin at 6:45 pm. and concerts begin at 7:30 pm. Open seating and parking is free.

To reserve student and accompanying adult tickets, please email

Joyce Yang has soloed with the New York Philharmonic more than 30 times, and also soloed with the Chicago Symphony, Los Angeles Philharmonic, Philadelphia Orchestra, BBC Philharmonic and the symphony orchestras of Baltimore, Detroit, San Francisco, Sydney and Toronto. She has played solo under such distinguished conductors as Edo de Waart, Lorin Maazel and Leonard Slatkin. She has played recitals at New York's Lincoln Center and Metropolitan Museum, Washington D.C.'s Kennedy Center and Chicago's Symphony Hall. She has also played for internationally known chamber music ensembles.

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